The comment periods for the following draft environmental documents have ended:
• San Jose to Merced Project Section Draft EIR/EIS (ended June 23, 2020)
• San Jose to Merced Project Section Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS (ended on June 9, 2021)
• San Jose to Merced Project Section Draft EIR/EIS (ended June 23, 2020)
• San Jose to Merced Project Section Revised/Supplemental Draft EIR/EIS (ended on June 9, 2021)
There are four end-to-end alternatives for the San Jose to Central Valley Wye extent of the San Jose to Merced Project Section. At this station, you can learn more about how the alternatives were developed, the key features and route of each alternative, and why Alternative 4 was identified as the Preferred Alternative. This station also includes the preliminary engineering drawings for each alternative.